Australian design for Australian energy

Australian design for Australian energy

Design and use energy sources relevant to the Australian region it will fuel. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Hydroelectric and wind can be useful in coastal regions; solar in rural regions. Nuclear may be useful for remote desert mines, but could be worrisome in dense metropolitan areas. Don't just follow the rest of the world - adapt and innovate, the way Australians do best. We're known for our creative, quirky traits, so let's use it to advantage.


After relying very heavily on the fossil fuel industry for many years, diversifying our industries and energy sources in this way will be beneficial in more ways than one. This is a complex and many-layered issue that we face, and so it makes sense to take a multi-pronged approach to solving it.

100% Localised and site specific design, localised products. Benefit of diverse energy sources is also pushes against monopolisation. Diverse energy sources also reduces centralisation.

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